Strengthen Your Relationship with Christ

Your walk with Jesus is important. Whether you’ve been going to church your whole life or are brand new to the faith, we want to help you grow your relationship with Christ to become a better, stronger Christian.

Providing Christian Worship Services In Snellville, Georgia

Join us for one of our main service events, happening every Sunday and Wednesday. During these times, child care is available, if needed. Read below for more information on what to expect during our services.

Sunday Morning Service 9:45 AM | Sunday Main Worship Service 10:45 AM | Sunday Evening Worship Service 6:00 PM | Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM

Sunday worship

Each Sunday morning at 9:45 am, we provide group sessions for all ages. For adults, we meet in the auditorium for our weekly Sunday morning lesson. This hour is designed to give deeper understanding to scripture and life application, while getting our hearts and minds ready for the main service.

Our main morning worship service is from 10:45- 11:45 am. Time is filled with music, fellowship, and preaching. Each year, Pastor Keith Hamilton chooses a scriptural theme as a foundational basis. For 2023, our theme is “We Would See Jesus” (John 12:21). It is our goal to weave this message throughout our church, from sermons to events, and outreach. Worship service resumes each Sunday evening at 6 pm, to close out our day by praising God and getting into the Word.

Wednesday Bible Study

Currently we are studying through the book of Psalms. Bible study begins each Wednesday at 7 pm, and involves a special time of prayer, practical application of the Bible, and encouragement to strengthen your faith during the week. Join us for coffee and fellowship.

The Teen Service and Awana program are available during this time, for those with younger attendees.


Our church would not be complete without the body of Christians that attend our services every week! To join our church members, visitors, and community together, we offer monthly gatherings and special events. We also provide a special class for young adults, as they transition into adulthood. You can read more about this below.

Spotlight Events and Services


Once a month, the gentlemen of our church gather together for our Men’s Cookout. Here we share plenty of grilled eats and a variety of home-cooked dishes in a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. Pastor Keith will lead a Bible message applicable for men at any stage in life. Our goal is to Biblically strengthen and motivate men as faithful leaders of the community, while providing encouragement for each other within the church.

Gentlemen of all ages welcomed. For a free meal on the grill, come and join us. And don’t forget to bring a friend! 

last Thursday of every month, 6:30 pm


Our 31:10 Ladies Thursdays are all about connection! We do this by sharing a potluck of food, plenty of fellowship, and our faith. Through generations of women, we hope to strengthen each other in our walk with Christ. Each night includes a Bible message that is applicable to women, helping us become more confident, faith-filled, virtuous women (see our foundational verse of the group, Proverbs 31:10). We round off the night with themed activities and games that are fun for any age, but participation is not required if games ain’t your thing.

Women of all ages are welcomed. If you need a break from the kids or simply want to connect with other like-minded women, join us!

second THURSDAY of every month, 6:30 pm


Life in-between. Young adults are generally defined as those that have graduated high school but have not quite arrived. Navigating relationships, establishing values, venturing through career decisions, and finding like-minded people to connect with can all seem like daunting tasks. As a church, we strive to provide opportunities to connect young adults and give them the chance to share the highs and lows of life. 

Join us each Sunday morning for a special Bible study designed to equip YOU with the tools to succeed in life. 


Upcoming Events